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Buspar (Buspirone)


What is BuSpar?
BuSpar is a highly effective medication used in the treatment of anxiety. It is in the class of drugs known as the anxiolytics and can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan to relieve anxiety in patients with anxiety disorder, which requires regular treatments or situational anxiety such as fear of air travel, social phobias, and patients who do not have a regularly diagnosed anxiety disorder.

How do I take BuSpar?
Usual recommended starting dosage is 15 mg per day divided into three smaller doses, usually 5 mg three times per day. Your doctor may increase your dose by 5 mg per day as needed, the maximum daily dosage should not exceed 60 mg.

When will I see effects of BuSpar?
The effects of BuSpar are not always immediate but can take approximately one to two weeks to be fully realized. Do not be discouraged if you do not see immediate effects during the first two weeks of usage.

What persons should try to avoid BuSpar?
Persons who take BuSpar can have decreased mental alertness and should not drive or operate heavy machinery. If your job requires that you do these things on a regular basis, please discuss with your doctor whether or not BuSpar is the right medication for you.

Side effects may include:
Common side effects may include dizziness, dry mouth, fatigue, headache, nausea, nervousness, excitement, blurred vision, Constipation, fluttery heartbeat, and tremor.

Please consult our doctors for a complete list of drug interactions and precautions to fill out a patient profile form to see if BuSpar is right for you.

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Related Medications:
Prozac, Effexor


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